Purchase VcamCricket (+free £40 of IronwoodBails Cricket Orgs only)
What do I get?
VcamCricket is supplied as a dual license product. This means that each purchase of VcamCricket allows two activations.
The package is priced at just £98.00. for dual licence (only £49 per copy) Please note all first orders will be entitled to 8 sets (16bails) £40 worth of Ironwood HD Bails to bona fide Cricket organisations only not for private indiiduals
Why dual license?
As a training or teaching tool we have anticipated your need to use VcamCricket in more than one location.You may wish to edit clips or prepare tutorials on your home PC before running VcamCricket in the field, perhaps on a laptop.
How to purchase?
Go to our secure server at www.vcamcricket.com/purchase.htm to pay via Paypal or credit/debit card.
Alternatively, UK customers who use internet banking may simply transfer £98.00 to our UK bank:
Sort Code: 09-06-66
Account no: 41036466
Benificary: S.O.S.
...then Email your screen confirmation of payment together with your your Activation request code (found via the VcamCricket software HELP menu item) and we will return the activation codes to unlock your product.
N.B. Please state you want the £40 free Ironwood Bails (16 bails 4 sets) with details of the cricket organisation.