VcamCricket Features
Download Library of Docs for Startup Video Conv manuals etc
- Review your video clips with total precision
- Playback controls include Freeze, Slow, Repeat and Sync/locked 2 screen
- Use the Scroll-time bar to 'scrub' the timeline with the mouse
- Overlay chalkboard facilities include Lines, Boxes, Angles showing degrees, Grids, Clocks, Step graduation, Path lines
- Capture clips directly from your video camera, Digi-cam or VCR
- Link via USB or Firewire (IEEE 1394)
- Trim your clip to the correct length within the software
- Review your clips in slow motion
- Speeds range from 1/2 speed to 1/64 speed
- Freeze-frame and advance manually
- Snapshots can be taken at any point and analyzed
- Export your snapshot to another software package or image file
- Split your video into smaller clips by using bookmarks
- Merge clips into longer segments
- Edit in the same document or restrict your changes to a new file
- Use VcamCricket's Split-screen feature to play separate
clips for comparison
- Clips may be synchronized and locked to play in
- Simultaneously view your footage alongside that
of another player
- Compare a recent video clip with an older one of the same player
- Use the Chalk-board overlay features such as 'Angle' shown here
- At the same time learn from the annotated coaching
techniques available as pull-down sets
- Customize pull-downs with your own text
- Comprehensive indexing and classification facility
- Date sectioned folders displayed with index and notes on Activity, Discipline and View
- Expand more detailed comments for reference
- Classify you clips with pull-down menu
- Use the multi screen display option to pinpoint problems
- Set bookmarks to highlight significant points of back lift, contact and follow through
- Advanced playback features including Action Flip Horizontally mode which allows you to simulate a left-handed batter technique from footage of a right-handed batter and vice versa
- Synchronize and compare clips even when the players
actually bat to different sides
- Overlay one action over another to better see how they compare
- Fade between actions, view one after another or view side by side
- Zoom and pan clips with the mouse and keyboard
- Isolate areas showing Wrist Action, Feet Position, Hands and Grip and of course Point of Contact with the ball